Finder Memory Q. If I Get Info on the Finder after installing the Patch, I still can't adjust the memory. What's wrong? A. The Finder Get Info box can't and won't show a memory field to adjust it's memory. Even though the Finder is an application it is different from others. The memory increase as advertised in the ReadMe file of FinderPatch v1.3.2 can only be set before applying the patch. To do this, deselect the check box "Full Patch", and now the custom install check boxes are available. The pop-up menu allows you to be able to make one of two choices, Generous or Moderate. The "Moderate" setting will be enough memory for the Finder in most cases, however if you are working with tasks which take heavy advantage of the Finder, you may want to set this pop-up menu to "Generous". Both settings increase the Finders memory allocation compared to the standard settings.